Highlights (I know they won't even do justice to the whole meeting):
From Julie B. Beck (General Relief Society President):

- The Relief Society is a formal part of the Restoration, and as such it has been divinely made and instituted.
- The purpose of the Relief Society is to organize, teach, and inspire God's daughters to prepare them for the blessings of eternal life.
- It is the responsibility of all women to: 1) Increase in faith and personal righteousness, 2) Strengthen families and homes, and 3) Serve the Lord and His children. That's what it's all about.
- Remember that the Lord will pour out His Spirit upon us as we seek Him and to do His will. Revelation is the key to accomplishing our above-mentioned responsibilities.
- There is power in the organization of the Relief Society and we are engaged in preparing for the Lord's coming. He expects us to increase our offering.
From Silvia H. Allred
- The Lord has always asked His people to build temples that He may be among them.
- We build temples so ordinances may be performed for the living and for the dead.
- Those ordinances are our credentials for admission into God's presence. We are to become a covenant people.
- Temples are a source of spiritual strength and a place to receive revelation.
- We must be found in the Lord's temples.
From Barbara Thompson
- The Relief Society is evidence of God's love for His daughters.
- We are to love each other and love the Lord. Be committed to service.
- Service magnifies and sanctifies us - most often the help needed is in our own homes, neighborhoods, and communities.
- We are to lift and bless others
- We are to teach one another the gospel of Jesus Christ - declare the truth with boldness.
- Live so our lives witness our love for God and Christ.
From President Deiter F. Uchtdorf (Second Counselor of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints):

- Women have the incredible capacity to teach, inspire, and encourage.
- Do not undervalue your capabilities and contributions
- We live in a world of change, challenges, and checklists, but do not be discouraged by the negativity and sorrow that occur in life. These are not insignificant concerns, however, neither should they be all-consuming.
- In order to find joy in this life we need two things:
- We need to be creative - to effect change and make this world beautiful. (He used the word "cultivate" which inspires all kinds of wonderful imagery)
- We need to be compassionate - to succor the weak and lift those who may be weary. (The Lord's disciples have always been identified by their compassion and service)
- "Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves"
- Happiness is our heritage as daughters of God - we can be a great power for good.
Like I said, amazing meeting. The words here don't even capture the feelings that penetrated my heart. I know some specific areas where I can improve. On the whole though, I know I'm on the right track. I love General Conference! I can't wait for next weekend!