Friday, May 15, 2009

Conservative spending = conservative trending

I heard the most interesting report on the radio today. Apparently the new trend in clothing, at least nationally, is modesty. I was taken off-guard by this, and thus I failed to take proper note of all the details. The story explained, basically that the old adage is at play once again: "Hemlines rise and fall with the stock market." 

This is one adage I'd never heard before, but I can see the trend. The booming times of the 20's and the 60's were notorious for shorter skirts. In the recent times of prosperity, I have been shocked to see shirts get lower, skirts and shorts get shorter, and in general everything has gotten tighter. 

The report indicated that has people become more conservative in their spending, they don't try to stick to the seasonal trend as much, favoring clothes that will last longer and be more versatile. In times of tight economy, people tend to favor comfort clothes over the skimpy, trendy look. Apparently skin isn't always in. 


  1. Let's hope the stock market falls a little lower :)

  2. That's a really interesting thought!
