This post may be a little picture-ful. I'd apologize, but I'm not really that sorry! I know that if I were to update more regularly, I wouldn't get stuck with a post full of pictures like that, but well, it happens, right?
First up: Mother's Day. This year was my first to celebrate mother's day as a mother-to-be. It was quite the paradigm shift for me. I like the new layering to my relationship with my own mother - almost a sisterhood. I hope this title of "mother" is one that I can grow into. As of now, I feel grossly inadequate.
My wonderful husband got me a colorful bunch of tulips for Mother's Day. I love tulips - they are happy flowers. Unfortunately, they don't stay happy in temperatures like we have had this month, but they brought joy to our table for several days!
I wasn't the only one to enjoy the music. For the first time, I felt the stirrings of life in my womb. The louder the music got, the more that little baby moved. I was so awestruck, it was as if I didn't even hear the music I was focusing so intently on the small sensation that I wasn't sure I hadn't imagined. A magical experience!

Me & Amber
Amber & Macy
The bump (at 20 weeks)
Today was a monumental day. Today was the first day I've had to use a rubber-band because I could not button my pants. Initially, I had to remind myself that it was a good thing - this burgeoning of life. It's not that I'm just gaining weight and shape. My body is working in overdrive to create a new earthly home for a choice spirit to inhabit. It's an honor!
Baby bump at 21 weeks (sorry, I had to take this one by myself since Brent and I are rarely home for two minutes together, but you get the idea)
Bump appears different from different angles, but it's there alright!
Ultrasound pictures at last! The still frames really do not capture the incredible experience of seeing your baby alive and moving. It's an overwhelming experience.
This first one is when baby is about 13 weeks old.
The next pictures are from our 20 week ultrasound. I was floored by what they could actually see. A four-chambered heart, kidneys, spine, developing brain. Because I hadn't really felt any movement yet when these were taken, it was a relief to me to see someone moving in there. I had been worried!
Here are baby's feet. The ultrasound technician said they look like big feet already. Oh dear! What have I gotten myself into?
Here you can see the shape of baby's face. It's amazing to me that there are already teeth forming in the skull.
Baby was playing with it's feet. Here you can see the little arm reaching up to grab corresponding little toes. So sweet!
Baby was so cooperative for all the shots. The technician was excited because they don't always cooperate. I think the tech got a picture of every structure she needed to see. It was the first time I was proud of my little one.