Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Happiness Meter
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Just Like Heaven
I can hardly believe how quickly time flies. It feels as if Brent just brought us all home from the hospital in some ways, and yet it feels as if I've always been a mother.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
'Tis the Season to be Winning
I just entered a contest to win a free Kindle from Noobie (worth $259!) and I wanted you to have a chance to win one too!
All you need to do to enter is to click the link below or copy and paste it into your favorite Internet browser:
Be sure to read the email you get from Noobie after you register. You'll get your own unique link that you can use to earn even more entries in the drawing!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I heart social experiments
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Hut, Two, Three, Four . . .
Saturday, October 24, 2009
14 days of Bruce - a photo essay
Friday, October 23, 2009
Sink or Swim?
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
The Secret of Life
Monday, October 19, 2009
Unsolicited Book Review
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Introducing . . .
Friday, October 2, 2009
Why I Don't Belong On Hell's Kitchen
“I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
Mom’s parting words as I stood alone in the kitchen. My young heart fluttered at the thought of being alone in the kitchen. Not that the kitchen was a particularly scary room. I just hadn’t ever been turned loose to create in that space without supervision.
Earlier in the day, I had asked mom if I could bake cookies all by myself. Due to my cautious nature, I don’t always like to do new projects all by myself, for fear of messing up. Looking back, I’m surprised at my proclaimed independence. Then again, this experience may have more deeply entrenched my perfectionistic, and thus fearful of failure tendencies.
I was alone in the kitchen to make cookies on an overcast day while Mom napped. Time to test my wings.
I decided applesauce chocolate chip cookies sounded delicious. I remember carefully pulling out all the ingredients and double-checking the recipe. Flour? Check. Sugar? Check. Spices? Check. I was all set.
Carefully, I creamed the sugar and the butter. I added the eggs. I remember intently putting each ingredient back as I went - just like Mom. I wanted her to be proud of me for doing this right all by myself. When at last all the ingredients were mixed, I started loading up the cookie sheets.
The smell that came from the oven was heavenly. The warm, welcoming smell of baked goods is still one that I associate with “home.” It makes you feel as if all is right in the world to enter a home that smells of homemade love. With my task in it’s final stages, I was feeling more confident by the minute. I’d helped mom load and unload cookie sheets before, and everything smelled so good. I just knew she’d be pleased with me.
Mom helped me finish cleaning up the kitchen after her nap. I think we even loaded a few plates up to give to neighbors. I was pleased with myself. After dinner, we all sat down with our glasses of milk and a cookie in hand. I bit into my cookie, anticipating the euphoric soft, chocolatey-goodness to melt over my tongue. Alas, I bit into something hard and not sweet at all. The grimace on dad’s face confirmed my heart’s dread.
My cookies were a failure. It turns out that when a recipe calls for cloves, it usually means ground cloves and not whole cloves. I wasn’t sure when I was reading the recipe. Lesson learned. We’ll just say that my husband is glad that I’ve become a more accomplished cook and baker since that day. Still, I don't think this will ever be anything more than a hobby for me.
Friday, September 25, 2009
What's for dinner?
Finding my voice

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Dialogue: "I hate waiting." "Get used to disappointment."
Patience may be a virtue, but it's not one that I possess in great quantity. I hate waiting. It's not something I've ever been very good at. I was raised to be punctual (almost to the point of paranoia). I hate being late for things - for class, for work, for church, for bed. I get sweaty palms and a racing heart. Usually, I putter until the appointed hour for departure. I keep busy, finishing off projects, practicing the piano for a few extra minutes, reading a good book (but not really being able to focus on it).
Today we went to the doctor hoping for a more defined ETA for our little bug. I left feeling deflated.
No change.
For the last three weeks the report has been the same. 1 cm dilated. 50-70% effaced. Head at 0 station. No change.
I guess there’s no outward change, but my body feels different. I feel an increase in my energy levels (on the whole). My abdominal muscles are constantly sore (like I’ve just done 100 sit-ups). I have less room for my internal organs (like my lungs, and my bladder). And it’s like I get a daily deep tissue massage . . . from the inside out. And I feel like I’m sitting on a bowling ball most days.
None of these symptoms are unique to me, but they give me hope that the end is not far off. The most interesting symptom is the “nesting” instinct. I’ve spent my days catching up laundry, dusting corners, sorting piles, getting out the autumn decorations. I still have a rather long list of things that I could and should be doing, but I’m finding it to be increasingly difficult to focus on the tasks at hand. Instead, I’m distracted by the waiting.
I find myself wondering what he’ll look like. What he’ll smell like. What he’ll sound like. I want kiss those little fingers. I want to suckle and swaddle and nurture. And then I get all anxious again because I’m a victim to a timetable I have no control over.
And then I get anxious that I’m not ready for the next step. I worry that I won’t be able to figure out this mothering thing. Will I really feel that unconditional love that women talk about? The thought is far to abstract for my finite mind to understand without the concrete weight of a baby - my baby - in my arms. Am I ready for the paradigm shift - to go from counting weeks to counting months? Am I fit to help this little soul find his path in this big world? Am I equipped with all I need to remind him who he is? Waiting is not good for my excessive sense of worry.
Therefore, this week, since I am doomed to waiting, I am determined to put this anxious energy to good use. After all, there are some definite advantages to being home and “in the interim.” To list a few:
- Mornings with Brent. We actually have regular time together for the first time in months. It’s been nice to start the day together.
- Discovering the art of snacking. Since there’s only room in my stomach for about 1/4 c. of anything, I am becoming a professional grazer.
- Having time to read. I’m re-discovering Charles Dickens and finding the discovery to be literarily delicious.
- having time to find my voice again. I’ve been missing writing. A lot.
- Having time to be self-sufficient. I bottled chicken this week. All by myself. For the very first time. Self-sufficiency has got to be one of the best feelings . . . hmmm, “if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear”
- De-cluttering. I breathe so much easier when my house is clean. It’s a good feeling. I can enjoy perpetuating that feeling while I have the energy to do so.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
If you're going to San Francisco . . .
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Many have been requesting pictures of my ever blossoming belly. Sorry the quality isn't better - I need to get some taken outside. However, this gives you an idea of how big I'm getting. I'm definitely feeling pregnant. Here are some of my "symptoms":
- I itch all the time.
- My little guy loves music. He starts a wiggle fest whenever I turn on music. It’s been fun to see how he reacts differently to different kinds of music - hymns vs. Michael Buble vs. Beethoven vs. James Taylor. The funniest part is that if I start to sing, he almost immediately stops.
- Weird cravings? Just Slurpees and cornbread
- Whereas it used to be fun to feel the little squirt squirm around in my belly, it's started to take on a slightly uncomfortable edge. It's not bad, but it's definitely not like it used to be.
- Brent has to be ever patient with my emotional instability, and he does so.
- I'm getting so excited to meet this little guy!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Life Lesson Learned
Monday, August 17, 2009
My burgeoning belly
Friday, July 10, 2009
You say goodbye, and I say hello

Friday, July 3, 2009
Quote of the day . . .
--Francesca Reigler
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
I just can't resist
Sunday, June 7, 2009
The happiest place on earth

I was talking to a co-worker on Friday about weekend plans. When she asked what I was up to, I mentioned that my husband and I were planning to visit the Los Angeles Temple on Saturday. Having had a sister married there, she was familiar with the building.