Monday, October 19, 2009

Unsolicited Book Review

I just finished reading These Is My Words by Nancy Turner. It's been on my list for a few years, but I just hadn't gotten around to reading it. Then, my mom came to help me get ready for our new addition and she had brought that book with her. She loved it so much, she insisted on leaving it here so I could read it. 

The book is beautifully written. It's full of rich, interesting characters. There's action, drama, and romance. It's been a long time since I've been so hooked by a book that I couldn't stand to put it down to sleep (and sleep is a very precious thing in these parts these days). I would recommend this book to anyone. It's a fabulous read! Thanks Mom, for insisting I read it before I finished my current read. 

Anyone else have a good "must read" that I haven't heard about? It seems like I'm always looking for a new book. I'd love some suggestions.  


  1. I really enjoyed Austenland by Shannon Hale. She's written some other books that I haven't gotten around to, the only one I can remember is Princess Academy. By mom recommended them to me. If you like the Austen books, Austenland is even more enjoyable.

  2. Hey Jenn, I've started a new blog where I review books I've read and I rate them. Its a pretty new blog so there are only a few books on it right now, but it will grow with time because I read a lot. Most good books I would recommend are on that blog.

  3. I'm on the third book in that series! I can't even remember what it's called now, something stars? Love them all though! Although I miss jack!
