Okay, so this may not be the wittiest of entries, but it's at least going to catch you up with my life. Friends, I can hardly believe the day has finally come, but tomorrow I will be relocating officially to start my new job. (That's right, the letter of licensure finally came and it's off into the wide world with me.) Let me tell you, it's weird to have all of your life packed into a 4' x 8' trailer - it's a surreal feeling. It seems I've been waiting so long that I could easily wake up tomorrow and have it be another day at home; I wouldn't be driving off to the next great adventure.
It's been a fun month - full of friends and family. I'm glad I got to soak it up. I mean who wouldn't love this?

Or this?

I also got to be home for this: 

And this: 

And I even got to hear this in person: 

In all there was much laughter and dancing, and intermittent coughing and sneezing ('tis the season, after all). And now it's time to grow some more. So if you care to find me, look to the western sky, and please keep in touch!