Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Call me irresponsible . . .

Anyone else think it's funny that I have two degrees (practically), but it still costs me an extra $20 a day to rent a car because I am not yet 25 years old? What do they expect anyway?


  1. Ha Ha... that is so true. I hope you don't run into a house or something. Still in Provo or Cali? You have a crazy life. Hope all is well with you as you journey around! Miss you Jenn

  2. Currently I'm in Cali. But, due to circumstances beyond my control, I'll be in Arizona for the next couple of weeks before I take up permanent residence here. I'll be sure to send you a real address once I get one.

  3. Jenn!! I'm so glad you found us! Now we might actually be able to keep in touch. Congratulations on completing your graduate studies thus far. What an accomplishment! You should definitely call us when you come back to town, and yes, a party is DEFINITELY needed :D Love ya!

  4. Hey, Jennifer! Glad to hear from you! Will you be home for Christmas? We will and we're planning on getting the gang together!
