Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Beautiful Day

Today was a truly beautiful day! I woke up happy, with a light heart. I knew that there wasn't any reason for me to be feeling like that - especially when I looked at my list of unaccomplished tasks. But, then again, there wasn't any reason for me to NOT feel like that. Fresh and new, unencumbered. It was glorious!

I've been reflecting lately on a lesson I learned a little over a decade ago from one of the most dynamic women I've ever met in my life. Dr. Lynn Bielefelt was the conductor of the Arizona All-State Choir in 2000. I didn't get to spend much time with her, in the grand scope of things, but she was one of those people who leaves an indelible impact on you, regardless of the time spent. While I didn't know her well, I still felt loss upon learning that she had lost her long fight with cancer not even a whole year after our All-State experience. She was like a flame that burned as brightly as it could - a short, but intense flame that radiated energy.

It's funny now, that the things that she taught that have stuck with me, resounding in my skull these last couple of weeks, have nothing to do with music. Rather, they have to do with having a fabulous day. She said that every morning, when she first woke up she would stretch all her muscles until they were loose and happy. And then she would drink one full glass of water. I think she also mentioned spending some time meditating, mentally preparing for the day. Then, she could proceed with her daily affairs and be sure to have a wonderful day.

While I might not have taken her advice right there on the spot, it's stuck with me. In recent months, I've taken stock of myself, my life. I've realized that there are several course corrections that I need to take. They may not be drastic, but if I don't make them now, I will end up somewhere entirely apart from where I wanted to go.

So, I'm stretching first thing in the morning. I'm drinking a large glass of water before I do anything else. And of course, I'm taking time to meditate, to pray, to prepare for the day. I think it's amazing how much of making goals and keeping them is mental. It's deciding that you can do what you've set out to do. It must be working because today was a beautiful day.


  1. That's very HAPPY advice Jenn. Thanks for sharing. Here's to many more happy days to come. :)

  2. Jenn, I needed that today. We should chat soon. I wish you were here and we could have some hot tea and cookies. Thank you for telling us about that!

  3. Thanks for this! You are wonderful. Did I tell you we are moving to San Jose in the summer?? Not exactly right next to you BUT closer right??!

  4. Thank you for your insights, as always. I always love talking to you and hearing from you because you have a depth to you that brings me back to what's important. Hope you have a wonderful day, Jenn.
