Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Magic Moment

I had my first doctor's visit yesterday evening. My appointment was scheduled for 4:00 so that Brent could be there. Unfortunately, since I was the last appointment of the day, the doctor was running a bit late. Thus, Brent had to leave for class by the time it was my turn. 

After the preliminaries, I got to meet my doctor. He came highly recommended, and I must say that after just 1 visit, I felt completely at ease. This is turning into a wonderful adventure. 

The best part: I got to hear a heartbeat! The doctor said that since it was still pretty early, he wasn't sure if he'd find anything, but he did. I don't know which of us was more excited, me or the doctor. It was a wonderful moment, to realize that the miracle of growing life is happening within my body. The fact that my body can sustain that little being is amazing. Yeah, I'm tired all the time and I think I may have a permanent hole in my esophagus due to the heartburn, but it's an adventure and an honor. I'm looking forward to witnessing the new miracles to come!


  1. That is so exciting, and the most amazing is yet to come! I cried when I started to feel my daughter, and then the kicking and jabbing and rib stretching began, but it's all worth it!! Congrats again!!!

  2. Congrats Jenn! That is so great! You two are going to be WONDERFUL parents! Hope you start feeling better soon. Thats the worst part of this whole process! Good luck!

  3. Jenn Congrats. Number one is always special.

  4. I didn't know you were expecting!! Congratulations, you guys. It's an adventure for sure. Sorry about the hole in your esophagus ... it'll get better. :)
