Friday, October 31, 2008

Why I Support Prop 8

In California, up for election is the issue of a Constitutional Amendment on Marriage, defining it as being between one man and one woman. Some may ask, "why the need for such an amendment?" The need is to prevent Activist Judges will not overturn the current law on homosexual marriage, and thus take from us our basic right of religious freedom. I have heard that this stance is a scare tactic, however, this has already happened, such as when adoption agencies are required, against religious principles, to allow gay parents to adopt a baby, homosexual curriculums are required to be taught in schools, and religious leaders are forced to perform such marriages regardless of their convictions, or lose tax exempt status.

Democracy means that the majority rules, not that the minority overturns the basic rights of everyone. Yes, the minority must be protected, but nobody's beliefs must be forced on the public, as in this case. 

I also feel that it is a moral issue more than a civil rights issue. God, who has commanded, "Thou shalt not steal" wants us to be compassionate of the one who chooses to steal, but by rehabilitation, not by aiding the person to steal more. Likewise, He who has commanded similarly against homosexuality, wants us to have compassion on the one who chooses that lifestyle, with help to overcome, not aid to increase such. Same gender attraction must be a great challenge to live with, deserving counseling and much prayer. 

The Savior loved all people, but He did not condone sin. "Go thy way and sin no more" he told the woman taken in adultery, not "Oh well, it's okay." Anyone who believes the bible to be the word of God should know of His abhorrence of that great sin of immorality, lust, and homosexuality: "In the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves..without natural affection, ...despisers of those that are good" (2 Tim. 3:2). "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature; And likewise the men, leaving the natural use of the woman,.. men with men working that which is unseemly," going on to say the judgments of God against such (Romans 1:26-32).

Tolerance for homosexuals is not the same as tolerance for those of another race. Our society wants us the think of Gay Rights as being just like Civil Rights. Our kids are being taught to not be prejudiced, however, it is not the same. While those of a particular race did not choose the color of their skin or their race, gays and lesbians choose whether or not to act out on temptations and tendencies that they feel. We look with compassion upon them, yes, just as we do someone who has acted out a drive for crime, but we do not condone, nor do we force it upon society.


  1. I LOVE YOU! I tagged you too! xxooo

  2. Amen! You are so good with words - and I couldn't agree more! I hope Prop 8 passes - we are praying for it!

  3. You said it beautifully! Prop 8 has my vote (if I could vote in California that is :)

  4. Jenn, it was SOO good to see you today! I miss you!

  5. Good luck to you guys, you're in our thoughts and prayers this election!!!
