Saturday, February 9, 2008

Favorite overheard conversation of the week . . .

Sometimes I love eavesdropping. I know it's rude. I try not to listen in, but sometimes I just can't help myself.

So, this week's golden comes from work. *Names have been changed to protect privacy. Upon hearing that she now had to drink thickened liquids (not the most pleasant experience -- trust me, I've tried them), *Jane's significant other says, "Well, honey, gone are the days of sitting on the curb drinking whiskey." I love my job.


  1. That's awesome! I love old people! They are hilarious!

  2. Funny what people will say when they think no one's listening. I love looking at your adorable pictures of you and your honey! You look so happy Jenn! That is such a great look to see on on the faces of friends you love!

  3. Hi Jennifer. I can't believe I found your blog through the blog grapevine. This is Melissa Dunford (now Stevens)from back in the elementary/high school days. It looks like you are doing well and have a fun job. I was working in a job similar to that. I hope things work out for you and it looks like you are really happy. Here is my
    Hope to hear from you!

  4. Yes, wow, that is truly spectacualar, don't worry I'm gonig to post something soon!

  5. Hey Jen! I am so glad I finally found your blog! You look so beautiful and happy and I can't wait to check back often to see whats new in your world. Sounds like you have a fun job...never a dull moment huh? :) Yay! And your boy looks so two are adorable! Good luck with everything!

  6. Hey, Jen, just wanted to say hi! Sure love ya! Hope all is going well!

  7. Hey Jennifer, I don't even know if you remember me but I randomly just came across your blog & thought I'd say hi. It's Anjane' from the musical theater workshop at MCC that we were in together FOREVER ago. It's fun to see what you are up to!

  8. Jenn - I'm missing your wit. You must be terribly busy and I feel selfish wanting to know how your life is going, but I do. If I could afford it I'd get you a computer and internet and then some free time . . . I hope things are continuing to go well in lovely Cal-i-forn-i-a. :)
