Sunday, May 23, 2010

Gravity is working against me

Poor Bruce learned about natural laws today. What goes up must come down. A body in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by another force. Newton would have been proud.

Bruce was crawling in the bathroom and slipped. Bonk #1.
Bruce wiggled past me and fell of the bed. Bonk #2.
Bruce sat up and knocked his head on the pew at church. Bonk #3.
Bruce squirmed in my hand and arched his back as I was rounding a corner. Bonk #4.
Bruce knocked his head on the table. Bonk #5.
Bruce was crawling around his crib and ran into the corner of it. Bonk #6.

So, he learned that mortality hurts. And I learned that I can't always stop mortality from hurting my little boy. Good thing babies bounce.

The video is a couple of weeks old, but it shows that Bruce has figured out that he's mobile.


  1. Go Bruce! I love it when they get mobile, even though it's hard keeping up with them! Just wait until he starts walking, then you stop counting the bonks because there are so many! Have fun! You are such a cute mommy :)

  2. It kinda looks like he's break dancing. I'm sure he'll be popping and locking in no time at all.

  3. I love the whole knee foot knee foot thing he's got goin' on. Man, your life just got a whole lot busier :)

  4. Such cute pictures! I love the crawling video! How great that you could catch that on film! Hope you are well, my dear!
