A lot like Fall is shy in my neck of California. This week, the leaves have just barely started to turn and fall. It's like the trees are shy - they can't bear the thought of letting go of something so comfortable. It's like they're afraid they'll be good at it. So, while it's not:
Or even:
It's getting better. I'm retaining hope. I mean, in the trees' defense, the temperature hasn't really been cooperating. Temperatures in the 70s are not conducive to colorful leaves. Of course, there are perks to this warm spell . . . I still turn on the fan to sleep. I don't ever have to scrape ice from my car. I can still get some milage out of my sandals.
However, deep in my soul, I really long for this:

When I say long for, I mean I ache for, crave, even give my eyeteeth for. Yup, I want it that bad.
I guess what you really want to hear, rather than my ravings about the weather, is an update from the Hills. We're still here. Brent is working hard to finish out his quarter. Today was the last day of classes, so it's just finals from here. I must say, I am quite impressed of his hard work and dedication. I know he feels like school isn't his forte, but he's worked hard and that effort is paying off. Of course, I'd like to think that his success is partly due to his devoted and supportive wife, but I know I can't take any of the credit.
I'm taking an unexpected hiatus from work for the next few weeks. It's a long story. I'm optimistic though - I mean, I have time (finally) to finish my thank you notes from the wedding (I know, for shame, they aren't done yet). I can get my house spotless before the holidays. Maybe I'll even decorate some. I can read a book. Or two. This may be a good break for me. Brent and I are still trying to work out a way to take another trip to Arizona. Things are looking good.
In other news, I've been going to the chiropractor this last month or so to fix a few things. The first benefit of this decision is that, for the first time in the last 10 years, my jaw opens evenly. That's right, my chiropractor has been adjusting my jaw, which is resolving some of that TMJ I've suffered. (Yes, Stacey, that's TMJ, not TBI). The second wonderful benefit of this is that, in conjunction with fixing my vertebral and mandibular subluxation (also known as being adjusted), I've been seeing a personal trainer and I get a weekly massage. It's been wonderful! I really hadn't been a very good steward of this mortal frame I call my body. Yes, the road to physically fit has never looked so long or steep or riddled with potholes, but that may have been because I wasn't looking very closely at the road. It was enough for me before to walk to class and all over campus, play tennis on the weekend, and take an occasional dance or volleyball class in my college days. Not so these days. That's why I'm changing my tune.