Sorry I've been absent from these halls for so long. Here's what we've been up to (note: each of these could be their own post. For further details, feel free to contact us):
-One of our speech pathologists left, so we're a two-man crew doing a three-man job. Busy, busy!
-Meghan B. came to visit while attending a speech conference here in town. Fun to see a good friend again!
-General Conference!!
-Our newest Little Golden Book: Brent Visits the Urgent Care (followed by the sequel, Brent Visits the ER) It was basically a revolution within his intestines. Thankfully the coup has been quelled and Brent still has all his pieces in the right place (at one point we were worried it was appendicitis, which would require subsequent removal of said appendix).
-Bruce cuts his first tooth.
-Bruce masters sitting up.
-And rolling over
-Winco is his favorite store.
-Jenn is studying for the VitalStim certification course next weekend in San Fransisco.
-The Hills buy a piano.
I promise, I'll be better in the future. I've just been treading water as it is. Love to all!