I can hardly believe how quickly time flies. It feels as if Brent just brought us all home from the hospital in some ways, and yet it feels as if I've always been a mother.
I was talking with Brent not too long ago about the change in our lives with our new little addition. It's interesting. Before we were married, I remember wondering if I was ready to give up my freedom. Freedom to come and go as I pleased. Freedom to spend my earnings as I wished. Freedom to keep my home just as I wanted it. Could I really see myself bound to someone forever? I was completely in love with Brent and excited for our future together. But, in my mind it was unknown, and that meant it was unsafe.
Despite my worries, the day I knelt across the altar from my Brent, I was overcome with a feeling of rightness. I knew that being married to him was the right thing for me. All of my worries melted away. They didn't matter. We'd face the future together and it would be more complete than any single future I could imagine.
As the time drew closer for Bruce to join our family, I remember feeling similar uncertainties. We would no longer have the same freedom to come and go. We would have increased responsibilities and roles. I wasn't sure if I was cut out for that new life.
And yet, from the minute he entered our lives, I have felt that rightness again. I can't imagine life without Bruce. I relish this new role. Life feels more whole - more complete with him in it. I love hearing his little voice. Seeing his little smiles. I love watching his big eyes take everything in. Yes, it feels so right. Like my soul gets to catch glimpses of heaven. I don't know if it gets any better than this.